Sleep & Rest, we cannot prosper without it.
- Keeps your Heart healthy - lack of sleep can worsen cholesterol and blood pressure.
- May help in preventing cancer..... limiting light exposure through restful sleep can raise the body's melatonin level.
- Reduces STRESS....sleep deprivation produces high blood presure and stress hormones.
- Reduces Inflammation....Improves the body's immune system.
- Makes you more ALERT....Sleep Wellness increases your energy the next day.
- Bolsters MEMORY....DREAMS and achieving deep sleep are important for your brain to create MEMORY and link events.
- May help in LOSING WEIGHT....lack of sleep affects the hormones that increase appetite.
- Naps make you SMARTER....napping lowers stress and improves memory, cognitive function and mood.
- Reduces risk of Depression....lack of sleep lowers serotonin levels which causes depression.
- Helps the body rebuild....good sleep helps cells produce a protein that repairs damage that is caused by stress.